We'll polish & position your work
Hone your manuscript with our PI, beta readers and a personal coach
Consult with our professionals about publishers and agents
Build your platform through networking and your author website
Have you written a full manuscript, or most of one? Congratulations! That’s a significant accomplishment that not enough writers have achieved.

If you’re unsure what to do next, you’re in good company. Publishing depends on writing, but it's a different skill set. Bardsy is here to guide you through the publication process.

Our Publishability Index ™ (PI) is the first step toward preparing your work for submission. Covering each narrative element, the PI provides a straightforward evaluation of whether your story is ready. Assess your work across the twenty-three dimensions, and then carefully polish it, bit by bit, until you can genuinely say you have a great story.

After revising on your own, it’s time to get feedback. Successful writers usually send their work to a beta reader, who'll go through their story from the perspective of its audience. If you’re looking for a beta reader, we'll supply one that's familiar with your genre and has experience guiding fellow writers.

Once your work is polished, we’ll walk you through the entire publication process. Consult with one of our professionals to discuss your options and determine what's best for you. If you opt to pursue traditional publication, they can help you to identify which agents to query, and how to best position your story. They can also help you develop or review your query package.

Bardsy doesn’t stop at publication, though. We stay with you through the promotional phase too. Our community is the perfect place to network with other authors. This not only allows you to keep a pulse on the market and stay abreast of trends: it’s also an opportunity to increase your visibility and foster meaningful connections.

Saving the best for last: every author needs a platform! You can’t expect people to buy your book if they don’t know that it exists! Social media profiles are a start, but you'll need a professional author’s website, too. Since building a website from scratch is a headache and generic templates aren't much good, we offer dedicated author pages for you to showcase yourself, your book(s) and to drive sales.

You’ve already done the hard part: you wrote your story. You don’t have to navigate the wide world of publishing on your own. From polishing to promotion, Bardsy is by your side.
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What will your success story be?
"Writing is tough. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your style, or how brilliant the idea behind your story, every author needs feedback, and Bardsy offers this in spades with expert advice you can trust. From developmental editing, to writing forums with mentors and other aspiring authors, Bardsy hones your skills to the next level and beyond. I am grateful for everything they’ve offered me. If you want to improve, then give them a try, or enter one of their competitions. Highly recommend." –– Stephen B.

"Bardsy has been an amazing experience for me. I started by stumbling upon it for the first chapter contest and then was welcomed into an amazing writing group. Through the group meetings and working alongside Celeste, my writing has soared. I was always open to taking feedback and editing my writing, and with their help, I believe my book has changed for the better.

I have added, taken away, and even changed full chapters. Celeste and everyone in the group has been extremely supportive and have greatly helped my confidence as a writer. My book is well on its way to being wonderfully polished all thanks to the help of the Bardsy process! I would highly recommend this for any writer." –– Jocelyn C.

"I can't recommend Bardsy enough. The anthology contest was unique in that I received comprehensive feedback (a value far surpassing the $20 entry fee), and I had a chance to resubmit. As a new writer, I've struggled to find critique and support from real writers. In my Bardsy group, I've finally found practical and honest advice. I'm confident that I will actually finish my work in progress!" — Julie K.

"I found Bardsy when I was at a loss with my writing. I knew I wanted to write and that I had stories inside, but I had lost all motivation and direction. With Bardsy, I found the motivation and resources to help me get out of my rut. I have really enjoyed the bi-weekly writing groups. They have held me accountable and kept me writing. I love getting feedback from the people in my group. It has helped me to grow and improve my writing. I have finally found the writing community that is supportive and helps writers grow." — Jessica F.

"Bardsy’s founders, Adam and Celeste, have significant experience in the literary world and have provided me with valuable guidance. The writing groups at all levels at Bardsy provide advice in an environment that encourages writers while at the same time providing feedback in a positive manner. I have made my way in a couple of years from a novice short story group to one where everyone is working on a book that they want to publish.

I would highly encourage writers at all levels to visit Bardsy and explore their various offerings. As a writer who is currently working on her second book in as many years, I am very thankful that I have Bardsy in my corner." — Kalpana R.

"I always wanted to write a novel, but the entire process felt daunting. I had an idea, but didn’t have the confidence to approach a full novel. I was sending stories out all over the place and getting nothing but rejection slips. I had no idea how to improve my writing skills. But then I found Bardsy.

The Character Anthology Contest gave me the opportunity to explore my characters and receive actionable feedback to help me improve. Since the contest, I’ve written 45,000 words, and I’ve noticed my writing has improved with every chapter thanks to the feedback from my writing group. If you’re feeling stuck and losing confidence in your writing, I highly recommend Bardsy." — Nicholas D.

"Before Bardsy, my growth as a fiction writer had stalled. Despite writing consistently, my work wasn't improving; every time I got feedback, it was essentially 'fine, but not fantastic.' With individual coaching and my writer's group, I received the direction needed to progress. Bardsy's coaching is thoughtful and professional, and she clearly explains how to improve without sacrificing your voice.

Since joining Bardsy, I've placed in two fiction contests, sold a short story and am working on a novel. Best of all, my writing is improving. I'm very thankful to have found Bardsy and would recommend the program to all writers." — Alex T.

"There are serendipitous encounters that result in deflecting life’s course for the better. Coming across Bardsy’s Dreamcatcher Contest during the pandemic was one such event. I had always loved to write but never considered myself as a serious writer, definitely not one who could complete an entire book that had publishing possibilities. Entering the contest—and winning—changed my perspective. The introduction to Bardsy’s world of writing opportunities, anthologies and peer feedback put me on a literary course that I have come to love.

Bardsy is a wonderful program for both new and experienced writers looking to hone their craft. They offer timely feedback that challenges you to think outside of the box, and their group discussions are easy-going and constructive, helping you to shape your story into the best version it can be." — Kevin D.

"As I grew older, I found that it became more difficult to participate in writing classes and/or writing groups. I had been published several times over the course of my varied career and I had become complacent. I was frustrated until I came across Bardsy.

In joining Bardsy, I discovered a different approach to my writing. My facilitator and group members are very supportive. Their comments have been valuable in developing a writing approach that accomplishes what I want to say. I’ve found a new voice. I need to add that I am computer illiterate but they are always there to help. I recommend this organization for its professionalism, its attention to nurturing the writing personality and its ability to coordinate needs: education and camaraderie. And yes, we writers need both." — Lillian H.

"As a new (fiction) writer, being selected as a runner-up in the Bardsy anthology competition was a huge boost to my confidence and has inspired me to continue working hard on editing my book draft. I’m grateful for the honest feedback and think that heeding those suggestions improved the quality of my work." — Tamar R.

"In joining Bardsy, I discovered a different approach to my writing. My facilitator and group members are very supportive. Their comments have been valuable in developing a writing approach that accomplishes what I want to say. I’ve found a new voice. I need to add that I am computer illiterate but they are always there to help. I recommend this organization for its professionalism, its attention to nurturing the writing personality and its ability to coordinate needs: education and camaraderie. And yes, we writers need both." — Lillian H.
"Before joining Bardsy, I was getting stuck in my writing. I spent a year crafting multiple drafts for my first fantasy novel but things weren't clicking like I wanted them to. But once I had my first meeting with Adam, I was given feedback/critiques that quickly got me thinking about my story in a new way. Now having attended many group workshops, my writing has improved significantly; especially my ability to tell stories. Everyone puts in the effort for your own work with the expectation you'll do the same for them, and it's been a wonderful system. Not to mention the helpful guide of the publishability index we all try to use when giving our critiques.

I've also learned how to better critique my own work due to the practice of critiquing/supplying feedback to others. Lastly, I love getting to connect with other authors; their perspectives, experiences, and feedback have been invaluable. They've made me a better writer! Bardsy is here to help with your writing journey because they genuinely believe every story is worth telling. So whether you're feeling stuck, looking to try out the writing contest, or just wanting a second opinion, you'll receive invaluable encouragement, feedback, and direction from this awesome organization." –– Ariel J.

"My work with the Bardsy Elite group has pushed my writing to a more professional level. Adam has challenged my writing, a lot, and helps me evaluate the components of my story for good craftsmanship. In this group we can all handle the mechanical aspects of writing, each person knows how to wield words, but much more challenging is the endeavor to craft a complex story that brings readers into another world, that draws the reader into the life of your characters. In these workshops, not only do the coaches help us drive our work forward, but we learn together how to support and compel our colleagues to create excellent stories." –– Neal M.

"As someone who has always loved to write but was too anxious to put my work out into the world, finding Bardsy is something I am always thankful for. The first time I published a short story to the site, I found myself engaged in constructive conversations with people who had read my work and I was hooked!

Later, having the opportunity to join a writing group gave me a chance to meet awesome people, and hone my craft. Being part of a writing group keeps me motivated and focused on my writing goals. It has even helped me grow the confidence I needed to start querying literary agents, getting me one step closer to my lifelong goal of becoming a published author." — Courtney K.

"My experience with Bardsy has been wonderful. Not only was I able to achieve a long-sought-after goal of having one of my stories published as an anthology winner, but the feedback I have received from the two contests I have entered has been invaluable. As an Elite workshop member, I receive guidance from their exceptional editorial staff and my fellow writing peers. The workshop is fun to participate in and helps me with focus, content and deadlines." — Christine R.

"On a whim I wrote my first short story. Not long after that I found Bardsy. Two Holiday Anthologies later, I’ve tackled a novella and scripted a radio play among countless short stories. Bardsy writing groups provide encouraging peer feedback. I respect the Bardsy professionals’ critical perspective and the analysis tools they have developed. I would not be writing a novel today were it not for Bardsy." — David D.

"This is a wonderful community at Bardsy, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. It’s been instrumental in shaping my soon-to-be-released book, Finding Davy. My writing group offered honest feedback and continual encouragement as I wrote, rewrote, revised, and polished the manuscript. Their input helped me prepare it for querying, and I landed a publisher. I've benefited tremendously from their input and couldn't imagine my next book without them!" — Pamela R.

"Working with Bardsy has been a fantastic experience. I’ve received kind and constructive feedback on my writing with actionable advice that has made a huge difference in the quality of my work. Group meetings have given me a different perspective on my novel, which was much needed. I would highly recommend fledgling writers consider how Bardsy can help them, either by joining as a member or by entering a contest." — Andrew W.

"When I first heard of Bardsy, I was skeptical of their live coaching and writers’ groups. Honestly, it just felt like a way to take my money without any results. How wrong could I be?! I have received amazing personal coaching that has improved my writing and helped keep me motivated. My coach has given me actionable steps to take in improving my query letter and finding an agent. And my writers’ group has given me honest, impartial feedback that I have needed and craved.

The result is that my writing is better, my scenes are tighter, and I now have a trusting community to turn to that is devoted to helping me succeed as an author." — Stacey C.

"I already had the base of my story (a large chunk of it) written before joining Bardsy. But these meetings I've been going to every two weeks have helped me immensely. Not only have I had the pleasure of working with some fantastic individuals (shoutout Adam's group!), they've taught me (and so has Adam), a lot of not only my own writing, but the crafting of a story too. Opening myself up to others to read and critique me has been invaluable…The writing workshops have been a wonderful place to engage with fellow lovers of writing, but also what's already in the name: to work." –– Andrew E.

"I discovered Bardsy a year ago and have attended both group and individual sessions. Each time, I have learned valuable lessons about the writing craft that I have applied to my work. The review process includes a scoring system that provides writers with a focused view of areas that need improvement. I have also been rewarded by reading the developing works of great writers with unique styles and voices, who in turn offer their impressions of my work." — Tunji O.

"Whether you are a brand new writer learning how to get your thoughts on paper, want a venue to express yourself, or you are a more experienced writer like me who is trying to hone their skills and make that craft the best you can, Bardsy has something for you." — Albert W.

"Bardsy is a positive supportive group of people who love to write. It's a great place to learn how to write or improve your writing no matter what level you are at. It is an outlet where you know you are going to have people read your writing." — Lori B.

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