Bardsy is a professionally-directed community created to help you complete and market novels that readers love. Our proven approach includes directed writing groups,x
personal coaching and a sequence of exclusive tools. x
Our directed writing groups, led by a published author / educator, apply research-backed tools within a singular framework to develop and evaluate your story. Groups meetx
every other week and bring five hand-picked writers together in a collegial environment.x
Your group leader is also your personal coach. They stand by you, in monthly meetings, from that lightbulb moment to publication readiness and beyond, supporting you when dealing x
with agents, publishing or anything else that arises on your journey. x
Your success is our success. Instead of quick fixes, we promise to maximize your efforts through standards, tools and guidance to help you reach the heights you deserve.x

At Bardsy, your progress is guaranteed *


Write compelling stories with these proven tools:

publishability index group
Our Publishability Index™ sets a standard for greatness. It's an AI free, 23-dimension rubric that guides you through writing, testing and revising any story.
minimal complete story group
The MCS provides an evolving overview of your project that develops in tandem with your writing to ensure your story's elements synergize while staying perfectly coherent.
value continuity group
After identifying your novel's value triangle, the Value Continuity tracks its events to assess whether your story flows, builds to an engaging climax and delivers a compelling package in every chapter.
retelling group
Retelling is Bardsy's unique testing technique. In combination with the inventory, your project's retrospective audit, we check its totality to ensure a satisfying experience that makes readers eager to share your work.
Writing a novel isn’t easy, but Bardsy's straightforward approach is. With our tools, directed writing groups and personal coaching, your progress is guaranteed.
What will your success story be?
Ariel J.

Ariel J.

Before joining Bardsy, I spent a year crafting multiple drafts for my first fantasy novel but things weren't clicking like I wanted them to. But once I had my first meeting with Adam, I was given feedback that quickly got me thinking about my story in a new way.

Bardsy is here to help with your writing journey because they genuinely believe every story is worth telling. So whether you're feeling stuck, looking to try out the writing contest, or just wanting a second opinion, you'll receive invaluable encouragement, feedback, and direction from this awesome organization.
Andrew E.

Andrew E.

I already had the base of my story (a large chunk of it) written before joining Bardsy. But these meetings I've been going to every two weeks have helped me immensely. Bardsy's directed writing group has been EVERYTHING I could've asked for. Adam and the other group members have been a pleasure to work with and get to know. Simply put, I'm a far better writer because of what I've learned with Bardsy.
Sarah K.

Sarah K.

As much as we’d like to think that writing a book is something we can do alone, it’s not. Bardsy is different from other critique groups because they consciously select competent, supportive and focused writers for every Elite group so that each session is productive and effective with high quality feedback. No time is wasted. I’ve made more progress in the past six months on my manuscript with my group than I have in four years alone or with any other critique group.
Jocelyn C.

Jocelyn C.

Bardsy has been an amazing experience for me. I started by stumbling upon it for the first chapter contest and then was welcomed into an amazing writing group. Through the group meetings and working alongside Celeste, my writing has soared. I was always open to taking feedback and editing my writing, and with their help, I believe my book has changed for the better.

I have added, taken away, and even changed full chapters. Celeste and everyone in the group has been extremely supportive and have greatly helped my confidence as a writer. My book is well on its way to being wonderfully polished all thanks to the help of the Bardsy process! I would highly recommend this for any writer.
Tunji O.

Tunji O.

I discovered Bardsy a year ago and have attended both group and individual sessions. Each time, I have learned valuable lessons about the writing craft that I have applied to my work. The review process includes a scoring system that provides writers with a focused view of areas that need improvement. I have also been rewarded by reading the developing works of great writers with unique styles and voices, who in turn offer their impressions of my work.
Lori B.

Lori B.

Bardsy is a positive supportive group of people who love to write. It's a great place to learn how to write or improve your writing no matter what level you are at. It is an outlet where you know you are going to have people read your writing
David D.

David D.

I was never going to write a book. I was a retired engineer with a sense of humor. In a world before AI, I did some freelance technical writing, but there was no personal or financial payoff. I found short story contests. I did not know what I was doing. It was a struggle to write 3,000 words.

Bardsy, Celeste, and Adam taught me how to edit, structure, critique, and receive critique. My short stories improved. It was a struggle to write less than 5,000 words. It was the Bardsy’s First Chapter Contest though that hooked me. I wrote a first chapter, then a second chapter, and a third. Thirty-three chapters later, HIBERNIA, was written, edited, and, now, published. Today, I am 20 chapters into my second novel. I am no longer intimidated by the writing/publishing process. I am never going to stop writing books.
Jessica F.

Jessica F.

I found Bardsy when I was at a loss with my writing. I knew I wanted to write and that I had stories inside, but I had lost all motivation and direction. With Bardsy, I found the motivation and resources to help me get out of my rut.

I have really enjoyed the bi-weekly writing groups. They have held me accountable and kept me writing. I love getting feedback from the people in my group. It has helped me to grow and improve my writing. I have finally found the writing community that is supportive and helps writers grow.
Courtney K.

Courtney K.

My experience with Bardsy has been wonderful. Not only was I able to achieve a long-sought-after goal of having one of my stories published as an anthology winner, but the feedback I have received from the two contests I have entered has been invaluable. As an Elite workshop member, I receive guidance from their exceptional editorial staff and my fellow writing peers. The workshop is fun to participate in and helps me with focus, content and deadlines.
Pamela R.

Pamela R.

This is a wonderful community at Bardsy, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. It’s been instrumental in shaping my soon-to-be-released book, Finding Davy. My writing group offered honest feedback and continual encouragement as I wrote, rewrote, revised, and polished the manuscript. Their input helped me prepare it for querying, and I landed a publisher. I've benefited tremendously from their input and couldn't imagine my next book without them!
Alexandra T.

Alexandra T.

Before Bardsy, my growth as a fiction writer had stalled. Despite writing consistently, my work wasn't improving; every time I got feedback, it was essentially 'fine, but not fantastic.' With individual coaching and my writer's group, I received the direction needed to progress. The coaching is thoughtful and professional, and the group instructor clearly explains how to improve without sacrificing your voice.

Since joining Bardsy, I've placed in two fiction contests, sold a short story, and am working on a novel. Best of all, my writing is improving. I'm very thankful to have found Bardsy and would recommend the program to all writers.
Christine R.

Christine R.

My experience with Bardsy has been wonderful. Not only was I able to achieve a long-sought-after goal of having one of my stories published as an anthology winner, but the feedback I have received from the two contests I have entered has been invaluable. As an Elite workshop member, I receive guidance from their exceptional editorial staff and my fellow writing peers. The workshop is fun to participate in and helps me with focus, content and deadlines.
Kalpana R.

Kalpana R.

Bardsy’s founders, Adam and Celeste, have significant experience in the literary world and have provided me with valuable guidance. The writing groups at all levels at Bardsy provide advice in an environment that encourages writers while at the same time providing feedback in a positive manner. I have made my way in a couple of years from a novice short story group to one where everyone is working on a book that they want to publish.

I would highly encourage writers at all levels to visit Bardsy and explore their various offerings. As a writer who is currently working on her second book in as many years, I am very thankful that I have Bardsy in my corner
Stacey C.

Stacey C.

When I first heard of Bardsy, I was skeptical of their live coaching and writers’ groups. Honestly, it just felt like a way to take my money without any results. How wrong could I be?! I have received amazing personal coaching that has improved my writing and helped keep me motivated. My coach has given me actionable steps to take in improving my query letter and finding an agent. And my writers’ group has given me honest, impartial feedback that I have needed and craved.

The result is that my writing is better, my scenes are tighter, and I now have a trusting community to turn to that is devoted to helping me succeed as an author.
Celeste Davidson and Adam Simon founded Bardsy as an alternative to writing sites that bombard talented writers with false hope, gimmicks and little else. Their passion for great storytelling and compassion for other writers, as well as abundant experience in publishing and academia, led to the creation of a writing program that actually works. Bardsy’s unique, research-proven method provides support to writers at every step of the process, from that first, lightbulb moment to a completed manuscript, and beyond.
Celeste Davidson
Celeste is the best-selling author of Who Was William Shakespeare? (Grosset & Dunlap) and One Leaf Rides the Wind (Viking), and several other award-winning titles, including Julia Morgan Built a Castle (Viking), Snapshots: The Wonders of Monterey Bay (Viking) and The Queen’s Progress (Viking), having sold over 600,000 copies, to date.

She has taught creative writing and English literature for over twenty years. Her students know that she speaks from experience, and see her as an empathetic model who offers advice likely to multiply their chances of success.
Adam Simon
A self-described MIT drop-out, UCLA Ph.D. and former Yale instructor, Adam is the author of The Winning Message (Cambridge University Press), Mass Informed Consent (Rowman and Littlefield) and over a dozen peer reviewed articles.

Chief among his awards are a NSF Graduate Fellowship and a share of a MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions. He is known for commitment to his students' success and devotion to coherent storytelling, not to mention an all-consuming love of science fiction and fantasy.
Bardsy elite member guarantee: If you're not satisfied with your progress after attending all meetings,
email us within 120 days of your 1st meeting for a full refund.

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